Now What? Postpartum Healing Beyond the Early Weeks Post-Baby
Jan 25, 2022We really appreciate the opportunity to care for you during your pregnancy and beyond!
4th Now that your baby is a little older, things may not seem so overwhelming. You’ve had time to learn more about this new person, and maybe even have established some nice routines with them. If you weren’t able to coordinate as many massages in the first 3 months of postpartum as you would have liked, maybe now is a better time.
Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Taking care of yourself means you’ll be better equipped to respond to the demands of motherhood. It's a win-win for you and your baby!
Here are a few of the most common complaints during postpartum:
- Exhaustion
- Pelvic and joint strain
- Shift in center of gravity
- Lack of abdominal tone
- Emotional adjustments
- Strain from child care
- Weak or imbalanced joints or muscles
- Residual trigger points in ribcage that often refer pain to your mid-back.
Are some or all of the above true for you? Did you know that professional postnatal massage has been shown to help you recover from birth faster, and help you keep up with the demands of infant care?
Here’s how massage may help you recover in postpartum:
- Help relieve postpartum fatigue
- Help facilitate proprioceptive reprogramming to gently return the body to it’s pre-pregnancy state
- Alleviate upper body strain, aka. New Mother’s Neck
- Promote C-section scar rehabilitation and reduce scar adhesions
- Help process emotions surrounding your birthing experience
- Help restore functional muscle use in lumbar area, and strengthen and tone abdominal muscles that may have been stretched or separated during pregnancy.
With massage, the best results are seen cumulatively over time. Ideally, we'd love to see you every 2-4 weeks.
We look forward to the next opportunity we have to nurture you as you nurture new life.
The Sparrow's Nest Team
Get The Guide To Easeful Motherhood Your Mom Wishes She'd Had!
We've curated our top 3 resources to support you from pre-conception through postpartum. This is the cheat sheet guide other moms had to learn through trial & error, but not you! Grab yours. It's free.
You'll Receive:
1) Castor Oil Pack Tutorial- to support you while trying to conceive
2) Video Tutorial for Pregnancy: "Get Quality Sleep & Wake-Up Pain-Free"
3) Postpartum Door Sign to Guide your visitors on how to truly support your family
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